Ice cream can be defined as a cold sweet food usually eaten as a dessert or a snack. It is made from a mixture of some or all of these food items: milk, cream, butterfat, eggs, sugar, and flavoring.

If you are interested in knowing the best kitchen tools used in making ice cream, visit FoodPlusIce website.

Ice cream has various meanings to different people as it comes in varying types. These types all have sweet tastes but are made of different ingredients

The common types of ice cream are:

  • Gelato: This type of ice cream was created by the Italians. It is made of whole milk, without the addition of cream. There is usually also the absence of eggs and stabilizers. This would result in a thick texture with a low percentage of milk fat.
  • Frozen Yogurt: This is a common and well-loved type of ice cream. It is made using a similar recipe as the traditional ice cream, however with less fat which is replaced by yogurt.
  • Sorbet: This type of ice cream is much lighter in texture and flavor than the others. It is made with no dairy, rather egg whites are used to keep the mixture together.
  • Sherbet: This type of ice cream must not contain above 3% and below 1% of milk fat. It is made with a mixture of milk, egg whites, fruit juice, etc. Read its history here.
  • Ice Cream: This is the traditional type of ice cream most people are accustomed to. Its mixture must contain above 10% milk fat.

It is a known fact that adults and children love ice cream. There is always this caution to eating ice cream as it can increase body fat and blood sugar.

However, ice cream does have some benefits. 

Through the benefits, you can find ways through which ice cream works for you.

1. Health Benefits: While consuming ice cream, be aware of its health benefits. These health benefits include that it provides the body with vitamins such as A, B-6, B-12, C, and D. It also supplies minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Calcium helps to maintain the bones and teeth, as well as reduce the risk of breast cancer. It also produces instant energy. Ice cream helps to boost the immune system because it is made of fermented dairy that protects from different respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

2. Makes One Happier: Are you aware that the consumption of ice cream can make a person happier? This is because it produces a hormone called serotonin. This Hormone makes us feel happier and less stressed. Ice cream can be made to work for you when you experience low moments.

3. Increases Libido: Ice cream can also be used to improve sexual intimacy between couples. Ice cream contains phosphorus which maintains the level of testosterone and male libido.

4. Maintains Weight: It is often believed that the consumption of ice cream can lead to weight gain. This may be true, especially if it is consumed in excess quantities. However, low – fat ice cream can also be used to control body weight. When you think about food, you take a scoop of low-fat ice cream, and the calcium it contains would do the rest of the work.