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Music Genres Proven To Improve Your Creativity When Taking Pictures

Music Genres Proven To Improve Your Creativity When Taking Pictures

If you are a photographer, it is likely that at one point or another you have hit a creative wall. People tend to relate creative blocks with writing and songwriting, but they seem to forget that photographers can also be hit by a creative block.

If you are someone that photographs a specific type of subject, then you may feel as though you have overused it and you no longer have any inspiration. Luckily, inspiration can be found in a lot of different ways. You can be inspired by your surroundings, literature and other forms of creativity.

A really popular way that photographers find inspiration for their pictures is by listening to music. A lot of photographers that find themselves in creative ruts state that listening to music always helps them escape this rut and different genres tend to give them different energy and allow them to explore their art in a new way.

If you are someone that has been stuck in a rut for a while, you may be looking for a brand new way to enhance your photography. Here is a look into the different music genres that have been proven to improve your creativity when you are taking pictures.


For decades now, when people have found themselves in a poor creative position they have reached out to jazz. Jazz was one of the first genres of music that was marketed to the world and people all over the world have been absolutely taken by this genre.

There is something about Jazz that really gets the creative juices flowing and there are a few reasons why this could be the case. First of all, the composition of jazz songs is usually very crazy and very interesting. Jazz gets your heart beating really fast and this can really inspire you to get on your feet and start taking pictures.

Jazz also feels as though it can transform you into a completely different headspace, which is just what you need sometimes to be able to really explore your creativity.


House has been around since the late 80s and it was said to have created a whole generation of ravers. People that listen to the house tend to associate it with a feeling of euphoria and they say that it takes you to a completely different place.

House has really evolved in the last few years and thanks to the improvement of production technology that we have access to. If you are someone that has never really listened to the house before, then something that you can do is check out some of the house playlists that you can find on Spotify. A lot of these playlists include the top house songs for 2022 and you can give them a listen and see if they offer any sort of inspiration for you.

Classic Rock

You may be surprised to see classic rock on this list, but classic rock is actually a great genre for getting inspiration for your music. Something that you have to remember is that a lot of classic rock songs have incredibly emotional lyrics.

Even if a song seems like it is very fast-paced, in reality, it is likely very emotional. That makes it very similar to photography, as when someone is taking a picture they really need to connect with their emotions. Sometimes listening to songs with sad topics can really help you connect with your emotions and this can inspire you to put these emotions into the picture that you are taking. Plus, who doesn’t love a fantastic classic rock ballad?

Ways to Make Your Next Date More Entertaining

Ways to Make Your Next Date More Entertaining

If you have been in the dating game for a while now, then you are probably starting to get very bored. At the start, dating was probably very fun and exciting. You had the opportunity to meet new people and even potentially meet the love of your life if you looked in the right place.

However, if you have been on a few dates now, you are probably sick of having to continuously go through the same process. There are only so many times that you can ask someone what their favorite color is and what films they like.

If the boredom and frustration with dating are becoming too much, you may even be considering giving up dating altogether. However, you shouldn’t give up on trying to find the love of your life and there is someone out there for all of us.

Instead of going on the same boring dates that you already have, you should instead try to make it more exciting and mix it up a little.

Here are some ways that you can make your next date more entertaining.

Avoid a Sit Down Meal

When people plan dates, it is usual that they will instantly go for a sit-down meal and presume that is what is expected when you first meet someone. Though this is the standard kind of date, it is not very exciting and it can be quite awkward.

You are forced to sit face to face with someone and you have absolutely no choice but to ask them questions and sit through awkward silences. If you are going to a fancy and quiet restaurant, you can’t exactly speak loud or have a laugh and so it can make it hard to find out what someone’s personality is actually like.

You should avoid the meal and instead go somewhere more exciting. Ask your date, is there something fun you have always wanted to try that you would want to try together. For example, they may want to go on a zip line or even go caving.

Going to exciting locations makes disappointing dates far less disappointing. If you feel as though you don’t have much in common with the person on the date, you have not wasted your time because you have still tried something new and had a fun experience.

Doing something fun together for the first date also gives you a lot more to talk about. It will be easy to break any awkward silences as you can just talk about what you have just experienced and what you thought of it, which will allow the conversation to flow much easier.

Do a Fun Quiz Night

Thanks to the events of the pandemic, a lot of first dates over the last year or so have had to take place online. People found ways to make this more exciting and one of the ways that they have done this is by making date quizzes a new thing.

If you have ever been to a pub quiz, you will know just how exciting and competitive they can get. I would recommend hosting your very own miniature quiz at home and you can use a number of questions and answers to family feud episodes. This will be a great way to have some fun and it will also be a great way to test how they handle losing or the pressure of competitive games.

If they are sore losers, then they are probably not going to be very fun to hang around with. However, if they don’t take the quiz too seriously and they just have a good time, then this is usually an indication that they are a good person to hang out with.

Ways to Make Ice Cream Work For You

Ice cream can be defined as a cold sweet food usually eaten as a dessert or a snack. It is made from a mixture of some or all of these food items: milk, cream, butterfat, eggs, sugar, and flavoring.

If you are interested in knowing the best kitchen tools used in making ice cream, visit FoodPlusIce website.

Ice cream has various meanings to different people as it comes in varying types. These types all have sweet tastes but are made of different ingredients

The common types of ice cream are:

  • Gelato: This type of ice cream was created by the Italians. It is made of whole milk, without the addition of cream. There is usually also the absence of eggs and stabilizers. This would result in a thick texture with a low percentage of milk fat.
  • Frozen Yogurt: This is a common and well-loved type of ice cream. It is made using a similar recipe as the traditional ice cream, however with less fat which is replaced by yogurt.
  • Sorbet: This type of ice cream is much lighter in texture and flavor than the others. It is made with no dairy, rather egg whites are used to keep the mixture together.
  • Sherbet: This type of ice cream must not contain above 3% and below 1% of milk fat. It is made with a mixture of milk, egg whites, fruit juice, etc. Read its history here.
  • Ice Cream: This is the traditional type of ice cream most people are accustomed to. Its mixture must contain above 10% milk fat.

It is a known fact that adults and children love ice cream. There is always this caution to eating ice cream as it can increase body fat and blood sugar.

However, ice cream does have some benefits. 

Through the benefits, you can find ways through which ice cream works for you.

1. Health Benefits: While consuming ice cream, be aware of its health benefits. These health benefits include that it provides the body with vitamins such as A, B-6, B-12, C, and D. It also supplies minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Calcium helps to maintain the bones and teeth, as well as reduce the risk of breast cancer. It also produces instant energy. Ice cream helps to boost the immune system because it is made of fermented dairy that protects from different respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

2. Makes One Happier: Are you aware that the consumption of ice cream can make a person happier? This is because it produces a hormone called serotonin. This Hormone makes us feel happier and less stressed. Ice cream can be made to work for you when you experience low moments.

3. Increases Libido: Ice cream can also be used to improve sexual intimacy between couples. Ice cream contains phosphorus which maintains the level of testosterone and male libido.

4. Maintains Weight: It is often believed that the consumption of ice cream can lead to weight gain. This may be true, especially if it is consumed in excess quantities. However, low – fat ice cream can also be used to control body weight. When you think about food, you take a scoop of low-fat ice cream, and the calcium it contains would do the rest of the work.